Category archives for Comment

Those Ladies in Pelts

On February 14, 1922, I uploaded my complete translation of Wanda von Sacher-Masoch’s Die Damen im Pelz, translated and with comments, as Those Ladies in Pelts. It can be found on in Community Texts or Community Collections. I noticed that somebody had once uploaded the German version of the book as published by the […]

The Russians Did It …

Once upon a time, there were some hacks, both before, and simultaneously with an election won by an orange-haired dark horse. Who could have done it? Official sources, it is alleged, say, “The Russians did it”. Before taking a look at what else they did, let us take a trip to some point guessed to […]

Coronavirus y el clima

En los últimos meses de 2019, leí que el coronavirus no iba a ser problema en los países con temperaturas altas. Al vivir en una parte del mundo que corresponde a tal característica, la noticia, en su momento, fue bienvenido, pero resultó de ser falso. A juzgar por los medios de comunicación de Buenos Aires, […]

Coronavirus and Climate

The assertion has been made, that climate, particularly that of warmer countries, helps prevent coronavirus. Since the present writier lives in a relatively warm area, he considered that welcome news, but the facts did not bear that out. Based on local television and newspapers in Buenos Aires, one would think that the situation down there […]

Catullus Caring Less about Caesar and his Color

I do not seem to have much success with my politically or historically-flavored articles (with a couple of exceptions), but this should hardly diminish my latent, if not active, interest in such matters.  Here, for the second time in the space of a week, I am inspired by the Roman poet of Caesar’s time, Catullus.  […]

Hefner, Hitler, and Millions of Dead Souls

This is going to be a strange article, in a certain way: a sort of book review on a book that most readers here will never have access to – because I’ve read a Spanish translation of the original Russian.  I picked up that book by a strange coincidence a few days after reading a […]

Consumo privado de drogas y actos afines – una discusión sobre la sancionabilidad

Este artículo se inspira en un artículo de la Constitución Argentina y por separado, por la cantidad cada vez más creciente de países que han decididos de descriminalizar el consumo de marihuana.  Nos atenemos a un enfoque teorético-filosófico; e invitamos a considerar el tema con más profundidad. Ya que la Argentina es uno de los […]

The People, Sheep, and Sheeple

Over the past few years of reading articles on the Internet, I have been constantly exposed to the word “sheeple”. I mistakenly considered it of recent coinage; when, in fact, it has been around since the 1940s, as a web search for its etymology will show. Because of my conclusion, I began to dislike the […]

Proposed Etymology for the Latin “Silvaˮ

The Latin word silva has meanings such as wood, woods, or foliage. Our recent investigations have revealed no Proto-Indo-European roots of this word. In connection with another article, we offer a hypothesis, tracing it to the Greek, and ultimately, to words further back in time. It seems that it is imprudent to duplicate one’s writings […]

How Hobby Radio-Listening Gave Lessons in Diversity

For a very limited number of hobbyists, diversity existed before they ever heard of the word in its present context.  The following is a personal reflection of this hobby – radio listening with the intent of obtaining verifications from the stations heard. On occasion, I may specifically mean that radio, as usually referred to here, […]

Collecting Languages as if They Were Butterflies

Within my limited budget (something decreasing as the number of my years wane), I collect languages.  Herewith, I explain, with a dosage of personal rants. How does one collect a language? In the best of cases, by learning them, in which case, as will be seen further below, the learner is akin to a mathematician. […]

Warum sagt man heutzutage Schwarzer und nicht Neger?

Ja, warum? Diese Frage entstand mir heute, da es überhaupt nicht logisch ist, wenn man denkt, als das Woher? Wörterbuch zeigt, das Wort “schwarz” kommt aus das französisches Wort nègre,, aus Italienisch und Spanisch negro, und ursprünglich aus Lateinisch niger. Das Letzteres darf man ja nicht so aussprechen wie ein englisches Schimpfwort – ich habe das auf Lateinisch ungefähr “Neh-gehr” gesagt. Achtung!: Dies ist wieder ein […]

Unending War – A Past Idea

Some web sites, probably mostly with some pacifist bent, use the term “unending war”. It is not a new term – we find it more than 200 years ago in the article below. The situation is similar to that painted on the pages of the aforementioned web sites. You have a country, its armies in […]

Comments Lost in the Transfer from knol

The interface of this WordPress web-site subdomain “theme” puts into a pre-eminent position articles which were originally hosted on a Google subdomain called knols, for Knowledge Articles.  Its launch was widely touted, I heard the clarion call in Latin America through a free afternoon daily, and felt that I had something to contribute. The knols […]

Clickbait – Its Predecessors, Uses, and Abuses

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, to any excitement, unless the powers that be rescind the prohibition against clickbait – that is, if it really is blacklisted. Rather, expect an anodyne treatment of the topic, because if it were interesting, many would want to read it, and this writer would have been guilty of […]

Rigging for a Real Estate Mogul

Introduction The world never knew it – perhaps we were disfavored for our opinion – but on this web-site, we predicted a Trump win in the last 10 days of July – all without saying anything against his rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Rather late in the game, at the end of October, we reviewed a […]


No, this is not a James Bond thriller in the lines of Quantum of Solance, nor a cheap little story. It is our introduction to some Batch file programming, more correctly, in modern terminology, for the NT series of Microsoft, Windows shell scripting – among other lusterless names. Most of the information we have been […]

Not only Judicial Activism, but also Medical Protagonism

In this essay, we touch upon the potential threat to our health, and even our lives, by the medical profession – which, even without prescribing so-called big-pharma drugs, or without explicitly operating under the aegis of a government-run medical plan, may be doing other than what we thought of as their mission as defined in […]

Soaring Birds, Droning Bees: Too Much Observation, but not Enough Attraction

Preamble and Introduction This article speaks metaphorically in order to allow it to be readable by anyone, presumably without giving offence to the reader, or any necessary parent or guardian of the same.  Nevertheless, we do expect to bore those who would not be capable of understanding the message hidden herein.  May that not be the case […]

Why Trump Won the Presidency [Written in Anticipation]

Introduction I am not a citizen of the United States, but some of us Canadians watch our Southern Neighbor closely.  As a graduate of a combined History and Political Science program – a conscientious choice of studies – with an unflagging interest in such matters, I believe myself to be as entitled to err, as […]

The Humorous Side of Diets, Fasts, and Hunger Strikes

The persons who want to lose weight;  who have a religious obligation – seen as a burden – to fast;  or who find it advisable to go on a hunger strike, may find nothing funny about the situation they are in. The outsider of these procedures, however, may wonder about the unperceived or unintended oddities associated […]

The Pen-drive Short-cut Virus – Solutions in Context

Introduction In spite of using public computers with as much prudence as possible, and running, when conditions seem to indicate such a necessity – two anti-virus programs – we have had the misfortune of having our pen-drives infected with the short-cut virus.  This is about the single short-cut version, which hides all files and folders. […]

WWII: The Jewish Diaspora in Afghanistan

A recent investigation by the present author into plans by, or with, individuals in the Far East, principally relating to Shanghai, and the non-mercenary Dr. Ho Feng-Shan, led to the discovery of others involved in various ideas, mostly for the advantage of those who entertained them, for the settling European Jews in that area of […]

In Praise of Police

This writer believes in Law and Order, which does not necessarily mean what the reader hopes it does, but it should be close enough. The words are capitalized for a reason – to exclude those elements added arbitrarily under dictatorships, and the laws, rules, or ordinances of “democratic” governments of whatever lever, which most resemble […]