Author Profile

Paul Moeller

B.A. (Hons.)

Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Political Science, from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Fluent in English, Spanish, and German. Studied French for 6 years. Reads books in all those languages. Reading comprehension, if limited, of some other languages. Teaches privately, mostly at corporate level. Does translations. Deciphers pre-modern German handwriting.

Recent Posts

Those Ladies in Pelts

On February 14, 1922, I uploaded my complete translation of Wanda von Sacher-Masoch’s Die Damen im Pelz, translated and with comments, as Those Ladies in Pelts. It can be found on in Community Texts or Community Collections. I noticed that somebody had once uploaded the German version of the book as published by the […]

Sacher-Masoch’s “The Ghost of Vranov”

This is the fifth installment of a series of tales translated by the author from Die Damen in Pelz, which he calls Those Women in Skins.  The question of copyright ownership of the original German; and the purposes of both the translator and the original author can be found here, the “Foreword” is recommended. It […]

Sacher-Masoch’s “The Old Monk”

This is the fourth of a series of articles taken from Die Damen im Pelz, a book which should be out of copyright in almost all areas of the world, and which the present writer is translating, with the addition of notes, as Those Women in Skins.  The intentions of both this and the original […]

Sacher-Masoch’s “The Ice Queen”

Introduction This is the third in a series of translations of stories and novelletes written by a Sacher-Masoch in Die Damen in Pelz, which we translate as Those Women in Furs.  The original title of the present story was, “Die Eiskönigin”. Additional items may be found in the future by using the search engine at […]

Sacher-Masoch’s “How One Becomes an Archbishop”

Introduction This is the second of a series of stories or novellas from Die Damen im Pelz, which we have elected to translate as Those Women in Furs.  Our purpose, as well as that of Sacher-Masoch, is explained in our previous article, where it is made clear that the use of the author’s surname is […]

Todos – Juntos – Comicios – Significados

Escribo este artículo unas pocas semanas antes de las elecciones provinciales argentinas del año 2021.  Mi enfoque es, no obstante, no sobre el significo de éstas, sino sobre las palabras que simplifiquen los nombres de los dos partidos políticos principales — el Frente de Todos, también conocido como FdeT — y Juntos por el Cambio, […]

The Russians Did It …

Once upon a time, there were some hacks, both before, and simultaneously with an election won by an orange-haired dark horse. Who could have done it? Official sources, it is alleged, say, “The Russians did it”. Before taking a look at what else they did, let us take a trip to some point guessed to […]

Snowflakes* and Univerflurries*

* Terms defined below. Note:  This article, as any non-virtual reading will show, does not denigrate any group of people, although those who use language which humiliates others, it would seem, often use a term which may very well be applicable to themselves. The word “univerflurries” has not, according to a web search, existed up […]

Coronavirus y el clima

En los últimos meses de 2019, leí que el coronavirus no iba a ser problema en los países con temperaturas altas. Al vivir en una parte del mundo que corresponde a tal característica, la noticia, en su momento, fue bienvenido, pero resultó de ser falso. A juzgar por los medios de comunicación de Buenos Aires, […]

Coronavirus and Climate

The assertion has been made, that climate, particularly that of warmer countries, helps prevent coronavirus. Since the present writier lives in a relatively warm area, he considered that welcome news, but the facts did not bear that out. Based on local television and newspapers in Buenos Aires, one would think that the situation down there […]

The Witches and Warlocks of the Future

A new breed of witches and warlocks is on the horizon, threatening the neo-Puritans of our century.  These are not the practitioners of the Wicca religion, although a small majority might follow that pagan cult. Should we worry? Some people will.  They are already the new hunters of the devil’s followers.  Not the Devil of […]